2024 NFL Rank 'Em Pool

Pay Your Pool Fees Online

You've got two fine options for paying your pool entry fee!

Option 1: Send us a cheque

You can send a cheque for $40 payable to Kevin Williment to
KalJen Logistics
303-690 St. Joseph Street
Winnipeg, MB R2H 3E2
Kevin Williment
165 Paddington Road
Winnipeg, MB R2N 1P1

Option 2: Pay Online

At the bottom of this page is a button. When you are ready to make your online payment, click that button.

The screen that comes up will show the payment details. Your payment will go to the pool admin guy (Joe Wabick). The payment is for the 2024 NFL Rank Em Pool. The Quantity field will default to 1, but you can change it if you are paying for more than one entry.

The pool fees are slightly higher when paying online due to the fact that PayPal dings us with a service charge for every transaction. Think of it as a "convenience fee". Yeah...that's got a nice ring to it.

Follow the instructions on the PayPal payment screen to either pay using your PayPal account, create a new PayPal account, or just pay with a credit card (with no PayPal account).

If you have ANY problems doing this, get in touch with Joe.

Pay with PayPal

If Paypal isn't your thing you can send an e-Transfer to joe_wabick@yahoo.com. Thanks, The Pool Dudes

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