Pool Rules
- Entry fee is $2.00 (cheap!) payable in the currency of your country of residence.
- Deadline for entries is 11:00am CST, March 15, 2001. Your email must be received by that time. Web server time is the deciding factor -- BE EARLY!!
- You must pick 10 teams that are seeded 3rd or lower.
- You can also pick one #1 seed, and one #2 seed team for a total of 12 teams.
(You are allowed to pick 3rd or lower seeds in lieu of your 1st or 2nd seeded teams
if you really want to - your extra 2 picks don't have to be a 1 or 2 seed)
- For the purposes of the pool, the play-in game DOES NOT count as part of the tournament.
- The person with the most wins in Canada gets the Canadian money, plus a free entry into next year's pool!!!
- The person with the most wins in the USA gets the American money, plus a free entry into next year's pool!!!
- The last place finisher in each country (with at least four wins) also gets a free entry into next year's pool.
- In the event of a tie in the same country, we choose the winner based on the following criteria:
- Whoever's team(s) stayed alive the longest in complete rounds.
Note: The Final Four champ is considered to have stayed alive until the 7th round.
- Whoever picked a lower seeded team (16 is lower than 1)
- Whoever's #2 seeded team stayed alive the longest
- Whoever's #1 seeded team stayed alive the longest
- Split the money
- If a team is disqualified DURING THE TOURNAMENT (for ineligible players, etc.) and the
NCAA rules that it should lose any or all of its’ victories, then whoever picked that team
will have their results changed to match the NCAA ruling.
- If a team is disqualified AFTER THE TOURNAMENT (I consider the tourney over when the
final game is complete), then the disqualified team’s results will STAND.
- This pool is open only to people we know, or people who know people we know. That is, no strangers in the pool!
- Any rule decisions by Bill and Joe are FINAL. This is a fun pool.